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UIDatePicker Example with UIToolBar | iOS | Swift

UIDatePicker object use to select the date and time, The UIDatePicker class have multiple rotate wheels and take value from that wheel and give one object of UIDatePicker and to get date from UIDatePicker object.

In this example, take one textFiled in which to open the datePicker using inputView. and adding toolbar in DatePicker.

Add the UITextField Delegate and drag it to view controller also.

Follow the below steps :

Step 1 :  Adding one textFiled named  textField_Date in ViewController and give IBOutlet connection and delegate. also take one UIDatePicker variable.

@IBOutlet weak var textField_Date: UITextField! var datePicker : UIDatePicker!

Step 2 : The function pickUpDate to create UIDatePicker with ToolBar. 

func pickUpDate(_ textField : UITextField){ // DatePicker self.datePicker = UIDatePicker(frame:CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.size.width, height: 216)) self.datePicker.backgroundColor = UIColor.white self.datePicker.datePickerMode = textField.inputView = self.datePicker // ToolBar let toolBar = UIToolbar() toolBar.barStyle = .default toolBar.isTranslucent = true toolBar.tintColor = UIColor(red: 92/255, green: 216/255, blue: 255/255, alpha: 1) toolBar.sizeToFit() // Adding Button ToolBar let doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.doneClick)) let spaceButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil) let cancelButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Cancel", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.cancelClick)) toolBar.setItems([cancelButton, spaceButton, doneButton], animated: false) toolBar.isUserInteractionEnabled = true textField.inputAccessoryView = toolBar }

Step 3 : Adding two buttons method which which is in ToolBar. One is doneClick and other is cancelClick.

func doneClick() { let dateFormatter1 = DateFormatter() dateFormatter1.dateStyle = .medium dateFormatter1.timeStyle = .none textField_Date.text = dateFormatter1.string(from: textField_Date.resignFirstResponder() } func cancelClick() { textField_Date.resignFirstResponder() }

Step 4 : Calling the pickUpDate function in UITextField delegate method.

func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) { self.pickUpDate(self.textField_Date) }

Step 5 : outPut UIDatePicker with ToolBar in UITextField.


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